Our goal is to supply superior quality Ducted Vacuum Retractable Hose Systems that make our customers lives easier. After all, who wants to spend more time vacuuming!!!
We specialise in domestic and small commercial installations of all shapes and sizes. Our Ducted Vacuum Retractable Hose installation service covers every angle, from design and consultation through to installation, commissioning and servicing. You don’t have to do a thing!
We have a proven commitment to quality and providing the highest level of customer service. Our long history in the industry helps us to seamlessly mix tradition with innovation.
Chameleon Vac is based in Melbourne with a team of professional installers, support staff and administrators. We provide high quality customer service and ensure issues don’t escalate into problems.
If you live outside of Melbourne, we have a trusted network of dealers, resellers and installers who we can put you in touch with.
Not only are we experts when it comes to Ducted Vacuum Retractable Hose installations, we also guarantee the quality of our work. This ensures only the highest quality of work and also peace of mind for you – our valued customer!